2 simple steps to get up early

Sunrise in a barley field. Image courtesy: pixabay “ Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” We have learned this saying and practiced this custom regularly in our childhood. But we left it behind while growing up to an adult. And most of us deprive ourselves of this healthy habit by putting up a wall of excuses - be it “I am not a morning person” or be it “I am too overloaded to go to bed early.” Let's find out the reason why we are super busy all day. We get up late and start our day late. So, we have adapted to being great multi-tasker to save our precious time. This leads us to be less productive and less focused. Thus we take more time to finish our work and feel exhausted. Then eventually we end our day late and sleep late. This is how the cycle goes on. I agree that there are exceptions who had no choice in their sleep time like people who work at night shift or mom of an infant etc. But most of us have chosen this on our own. Yes, s...