How to take Sunbath

The bright sun
The bright sun is shining. Image courtesy: pixabay

How do you feel when you get up in the morning on a cloudy day? Yes, we feel dull, lethargic. And we rarely realize how much our energy level is connected to the only star in the Solar system. The Sun is the ultimate source of limitless energy on our Earth. Even though we are aware of the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays in the sunlight, from ancient times people figured out how we can use the power of the bright sun to heal our critical chronic diseases and bring radiant health. This technique is called Sunbathing. And it is slightly different from Sun tanning. The purpose of Sun tanning is to darken the skin tone, whereas Sunbathing therapy helps to keep our body's hormonal level stable.

As we understand that excessive exposure to sunlight can be harmful to our bodies, we have to keep a few things in mind.

  • When to take Sunbath? The best time to sunbathe is Morning and Evening. It should be done 2 hours after sunrise or 1 hour before sunset. Basically, the thumb rule is sun heat should be within tolerable range to your skin and your shadow should not be shorter than your height.

  • What is the duration of the Sunbath? In the beginning, you can start with a small duration like 5-10 minutes and gradually you can increase the duration up to a maximum of 30 mins. But again it depends on your body, you should do this as long as (within 30 mins range) you feel comfortable. 

  • What should be the frequency? Regular sun exposure for a short period is not only a good practice, it is very essential to eliminate toxins from our body. It should be done on a daily basis.

  • What kind of clothes to wear? It is recommended that you should expose your skin as much as you can. You should wear thin and comfortable white color cotton clothes. 

  • How to take Sunbath? Your whole body should get sun rays from both the front and back sides. So keep changing your body position while taking in sunlight. You can sunbathe in a complete lying down position or you can do your morning walk in the sun.

  • Why Sunbath is good for us? Of Course, Sun is the major source of Vitamin D, but that is not the only benefit we get. There are more amazing health benefits like boost immune system, prevents diabetes, treats skin issues, prevents depression, and many more.

Bonus Tips:

Early morning sunbathing can boost your energy and brighten your day both mentally and physically. But what if you already have a very busy morning schedule. Evening sunbath also has a similar positive impact on our body. So if you are at office, you can take a break with your colleagues/friends and have an evening walk in the sun.
